Friday, October 16, 2009

Still in Shock

Well, after much denial, and ruling out any other possibility...we officially must switch to "zone defense" in June, 2010. Jeff, my DH, has been very unyielding about only having two children, thus playing "man-to-man" defense. He argued that once we have more than two, we're then outnumbered, forcing us to switch it up to zone defense. It can't be that hard, right? I played basketball, and we'd switch from man-to-man to zone defense more than once during a single game. Although the only issue now is that we can't switch back. will definitely shake up our world, but it will definitely be exciting to welcome another Knobloch baby into the world. I can't really say this was an accident...we're grown adults, and DH is a doctor, for cryin' out loud...we know how babies are made. I guess timing is everything.

It's still very early into the miracle of this process...only 5 weeks in the making, but this mama is noticing the symptoms right away. Extremely tired, nauseous in the evenings, and others that you probably don't care to hear about. Now that the news has slowly sunk in, I find myself consumed with thoughts about this pregnancy, the baby, baby names, where the baby will sleep (since we're moving to a smaller house in Dec.), whether or not to find out the sex, how much weight I'll gain (and have to lose...yuck), when to share our news with people, going through labor again, etc. DH is still in shock, although he's been giving his fair share of opinions on name possibilities.

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